Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences (AMDHS) [www.amdhs.org]   [e-ISSN : 2581-8538] is a OZZIE Publishers journal. It is an international peer-reviewed journal. AMDHS publishes four issues per year devoted to research and review articles in the field of Medical, dental and health sciences. AMDHS welcomes articles with theoretical or applied approaches, focusing on different phases of medical, dental and health sciences research; medical, dental and health production and management; discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage human health. Research papers can represent broad range of medical, dental and health related sciences including biochemistry, epidemiology, genetics, pharmacology, endocrinology, biomedical engineering, clinical and laboratory sciences, physiotherapy, and psychology. All articles are now welcome.

  • Editor-in-Chief : Professor (Dr.) Hsu Chien-Yeh, PhD, TAIWAN
  • e-ISSN : 2581-8538
  • Frequency : Quarterly (4 issues/year)
  • Indexed and Abstracted in : Coming soon

AMDHS provides DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each published article. All published articles are indexed in Google scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Hinari (WHO), Scopus, Web of Science and Index Copernicus etc.

All articles published in AMDHS are made open access immediately.


Articles published in Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences has got h-index 4 , which means every article in Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences has got 4 average citations.

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 64

Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences received 64 citations as per google scholar report

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